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  • Writer's pictureKareemah

‘We know what we are but know not what we may be’ (Shakespeare, Hamlet).

Why is learning important to you and how has it impacted your life?

Being diligent, I always strive to learn more. Throughout school and college, I realised that I wanted to focus my learning on Bioscience. Throughout university, my interests have become clearer; my passion lies in wildlife conservation.

My interest in wildlife conservation stems further than within my degree. I am running Swansea University Conservation and Ecology Society. This involves organising a range of events to improve the environment, and my own and other people’s knowledge about it. Running the society is not only extending my university work but it is my hobby. Waking up in the morning for bird surveying as a part of the Campus Wildlife Monitoring Project (CWMP) I founded, for example, and hearing the songs of the birds I survey makes the whole day worth it. Running the National Trust Project, Otter Diet Analysis in Cwm Ivy, gives me a feeling of accomplishment. Even if the research contributes only a little to understanding how to conserve these wonderful creatures makes me happy.

I would have never been able to do what I am doing now in conservation if I was not studying at university. I wish to progress on to a Masters in order to continue perusing my passion for helping to conserve the environment we, and wildlife, live in. I believe that focussing my efforts to conserve wildlife will not only be beneficial to me, but also the environment. Continuing my studies in university through doing a Masters would enable me to further help in the field, improving my strengths and weaknesses.

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Thank you!


Burnet moth, London Wetlands Centre.

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